Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Compare and Contrast: Mine and Gogol's Family and Culture

As I read The Namesake, I noticed similarities and diffrences between mine and Gogol's family and culture.

In America, the Bengali's have a very close nit community. This is apparent in the beginning of the novel when Ashima begins to make friends in America who "all come from Calcutta, and for his reason alson they are friends" (Lahari 38). Similarly, the persian community in America (especially in the OC and in LA) is very close. Basically every persian you meet is instantly and family friend and a minute later you start calling them you cousin, aunt, or uncle. And from 20 feet away you can easily spot another fellow persian. Just yesterday, I asked the substitute teacher of my chemistry class if he was persian and he said yes! And then I thought a little more if I have meet him before and of course!....his brother is my sisters friend who I saw last weekend. You see my point?

In addition, Gogol notes that its somewhat absurd from his parents perspective for a Bengali to not marry another Bengali. This is the same in my family. My grandmother initially did not approve the marriage of my cousin and his American wife simply because she was not Persian. However, with time, she got over it.

The one difference I see between Gogol and I is that I have always been a proud Persian!  I love hanging out with my many persian "cousins" and whenever I spot another persian I get excited and start to get into a conversation with them and what do you know.....I have instantly made another relative! Gogol is initially not "a proud Indian"because he wants to "fit in" as an American. He even ignores his Indian family for a few months to secretly live with Maxine's American family.

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