Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"The Unknown Citizen" & "Eveline"

The poem "Miniver Cheevy", by Edward Arlington Robinson, is a poem regarding a "child of scorn" (778) that "wept that he was ever born" (Robinson 778). Miniver has self pity and no self worth. He blames the world for his underachievement's and his poverty. He wishes that he had lived during the Medieval period and that if he lived in this era, he would be more successful. His interpretations of the medieval times as a flourishing period in history is based off the legend and folk talks he hears of Camelot, which never actually existed. He doesn't realize that the medieval period was actually a catastrophic period in history with starvation and plagues. Miniver's name suits him because it includes the word mini which represents his small mindedness. Miniver doesn't realize that he is wasting his chances of gaining success by drinking, not getting a job, always complaining about his problems, and always thinking of what he does not have. In addition, if he lived in the Medieval times he would still be in the same situation of being stuck and not taking the responsibility for his actions to progress in life. This poem is ironic because as Miniver believes that if he had instead lived in the Medeivel times, he would have been more successful. He is wasting his chances of becoming successful by choosing to drink as an alcoholic.

Eveline is a story about a young woman who wants to escape her abused life in Dublin and move to Buenos Aires with her lover Frank. She can no longer handle her father's physical and mental abuse. She believes that life is better anywhere else besides were she currently resides. The only problem is that she struggles to undergo this change and start a new life. 

The theme of "Eveline" and "Miniver Cheevy" are similar because they both discuss the ideas that people always believe that the "grass is always greener on the other side" and wanting more, but not working hard for achievement. Both Eveline and Miniver are trapped in this dilemma and believe that their life will no longer be unfulfilling if they lived in a different place or time period in history.

1 comment:

  1. You did an amazing job Leila. I didn't even think of how Miniver Cheevy wanted to live in a time that was actually worse and deadlier than the peace of his own, and your analysis of his name is very interesting.
